I'm always fascinated by what people have in there handbag's, so here's a look inside mine today. I usually have a far more random selection but it's a new bag I received for crimbo and it's quite small (compared to my usual sack size) so I have to be selective!
- The bag: Love a bit of Chanel x
- My dog and bone is the love of my life
- My vintage Cartier sunnies that my mum gave me as part of my Christmas pressie, I have had my eye on them for ages and finally she thinks I am ready to have them! They are heaven sent.
- My Pip Studio wallet from my shop, its so pretty and has loads of room inside... just wish I had loads of cash to fill it.
- The ciggies... I'm a smelly smoker. It's my only vice (honest) I was hypnotised to stop and did for 18mths but now back on and can only smoke menthol's (weird).
- Nougat hand and nail serum... One of my new years resolutions is to take more care of my hands. I received this as a freebie as I stock this range in my shops and it's a best seller. It is the dog's for dry hands as it's super intense but no too greasy. Love It.
- Perfume: This cute little Benefit Mini is perfect for my bag and to freshen up when I need to. The fragrance is 'Carmella' and it's sweet and vanillary and my fav. Thank you gorgeous boyfriend for the perfect stocking filler! x
- My trusty Benefit bronzing brush. The only brush still standing the test of time. Most of my brushes go really rough and scratchy... not this bad boy.
- NEW! And I love it! From the new range of cosmetics by Accessorize it's a fantastic bronzer, lasts for ages and the shape means it doesn't crack in to a million pieces!
- Primarni earrings. I love these as they look really vintage. I think they cost £2 which is ridiculous!
- Mini bottle of Sailor Jerry's? Great with coke and a splash of lime. Yum.
- Hair clips. Pretty ones from my shop.
- Aveda hand cream. Called 'Hand relief' (I know, I know) it is one of the best around and smells gorgeous. Thank you Sophie x
- Keys (including my gorge Juicy Couture keyring).
- Marilyn Monroe lighter. I just love her as all my friends know.
- Compact mirror, again from my lovely shop.
- Lip Gloss. This one is my current fav by Benefit. It came in a set of 4 which gives you 8 different glosses. I love this pretty pink and baby pink one.

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